This event is raised when a draggable element that was dragged on a valid drop target leaves the drop target. This event is raised when a draggable element is dragged and enters a valid drop target. This event is raised when an element is dragged. This event is raised when the drag operation begins. To actually make your drag and drop functional and visually appealing to the end user you need to handle certain events. Marking one or more DOM elements as draggable is just a part of the story. For example, the following piece of markup makes a element draggable: Some content Drag and Drop Events

You do this by setting the draggable attribute of an HTML element to true. The first step in using the drag and drop features of HTML5 is to make one or more elements draggable. This article illustrates how HTML5 drag and drop features can be used in an ASP.NET website. Integrating drag and drop with server side processing allows you to provide rich user experience. In the process you can also pass data from the source element to the target element. Using drag and drop features, you can drag an HTML element and drop it onto another. Luckily, HTML5 comes with an inbuilt support for drag and drop. Web developers often resorted to JavaScript based libraries or custom techniques for enabling drag and drop behavior in their applications. Modern web applications also try to harness the ease and power of drag and drop operations to provide enhanced user experience. Drag and drop operations are common in desktop applications.