as a whole, assembled into one cretinous pile of filth. It is everything wrong with the harem genre and the anime industry

Even the absolute worst of the medium (from the infamous Mars of Destruction to the nonsensical Cipher) can at least be laughed at in their awfulness. I struggle to think of a single good thing to say when describing Infinite Stratos 2. Maybe you'll feel dirty afterwards, but hey, at least you won't receive brain damage for it. An anime so insipid, so devoid of intelligent thought that a trip to the garbage can would likely yield something more interesting. Infinite Stratos 2 is the anime equivalent of a lobotomy. The fans have kept their fingers crossed in the hope of watching the Infinite Stratos season 3. Although, it is not sure till an official announcement is made on the ultimate outcome of the show. There has been no update about the coming season from that period. Regardless of the fact, it was turned back to an OVA episode the next year. Season 2 was released in 2013 and witnessed its finale being broadcasted on 20 th December the same year. Infinite-Stratos-Season-3 Infinite Stratos Season 3 release date Later on, she pilots the Blue Tears IS and builds likings for Ichika. Three years prior to the events in the show, Cecilia loses her parents in a train accident. Irrespective of having lived in England, Cecilia entertains strong hate for men, inferable from the way that her dad was an unsuccessful and imprecise male. Cecilia Alcott: In addition, Cecilia Alcott is another first-year trainer at the IS Academy and is an IS cadet associate from England.She is also one of the favorite mates of Ichika.

It is exposed in the show that Lingyin truly liked Ichika since school days.