Although these tools start off limited and very expensive, the player can obtain infinite versions. The player may now terraform and colonize neighboring uninhabitable planets with special tools (comet tool, volcano tool, etc). Creatures, as with The Sims, also “speak” with icons embedded in word balloons. Their language is dependent on the type of mouth they possess primate-type mouths, for instance, result in Simlish, or the Insect type mouths result in the language of the warrior bugs from Starship Troopers. Contact with other tribes of the same species, or even different species, can take place in this stage, and creatures also learn to speak. Additional creatures may be domesticated in the Tribal stage, which provide eggs for food. If creatures of a different species were added to the player’s pack in the Creature stage, they are now used as pets. Creatures also gain the option to wear clothes, the editing of which replaces the Creature Editor in the ‘Tribal Editor’. Food now replaces “DNA points” as the player’s currency, which the player can spend on structures and additional tribe members, or use to appease other tribes. The player may give the tribe tools such as weapons, musical instruments, and healing or fishing implements. In this stage, the game is similar to a RTS (real-time strategy game). This stage begins with a cutscene parodying 2001: A Space Odyssey. If the creature dies, the player restarts from a new egg close to wherever it died.

Parts are acquired by seeking out special “golden shields” from meteor fragments and other organisms, which provide new parts to use in the editor, such as weapons, mouths or propulsion mechanisms. A player may choose to remove a part, which will refund the full price. Once the cell has eaten several pieces of food, the player can enter an editor in which they can modify the appearance, shape, and abilities of the cell by spending “DNA points”. The player may choose whether the creature is an herbivore or a carnivore prior to starting the stage.

The player guides this simple microbe around in a 3D environment on a single 2D plane, reminiscent of flow, where it must deal with fluid dynamics and predators, while eating weaker cells or plants.

The Cell stage is the first stage in the game, and begins with a cinematic demonstrating the scientific concept of panspermia, with a meteor crashing into the ocean of a planet, which breaks, revealing a single-celled organism.